LOT #15131. Full set, summer casual dress code of students of special schools-boarding. The size: 44-46, height: 3, Issue - 1989 y. Cond. - Very good. A detailed photo and the sizes on demand of the registered users.
LOT #15156. Ceremonial suit Major KGB(ÊÃÁ) Ì-1973 The size: 48, height: 3, Issue: Tunica - 1978 y. Cap -1976 y. Cond. - Very good. A detailed photo and the sizes on demand of the registered users.
LOT #15224. Full set the everyday set of the Major-General of the Air Force M-1973 y. 5% of the gilding. Size: 50/52. Height: 4/5. Sew in the atelier. On the buttons -year 1978. Condition - excellent.
Lot No. 15233. A full set of dress uniform (uniform) of a combined-arms general-major, Arr. 1969 Comp. overall Great. There is a small dressing and needs to be steamed (the sleeves are slightly jammed). There are openings for the awards: Right - The Order of the SAR, Guard, To the left of the slats. Material - diagonal, GOST, cockade brass, gilding, enamel, 5% gold. Size - 52 (belly 56). Growth - 4.
LOT #15338. Panama (Afghan) arr. 1988 The original headdress of the Soviet Army employees, intended for use in hot climates. Produced in Tashkent, factory named after Akhunbabaev, 1989, USSR. Size: 56, Condition - warehouse. Tags: Panama, Afghan woman ...
LOT #15352. Astrakhan hat with earflaps for officers of the Navy and IMF coastal services. arr. 1969, sewn to the 3rd fur factory, year of issue 1969. Gost. Gilding Embroidered cockade, heavy metal, leather. Size 55-56. Condition - Very good.
Tags: Navy, Military cap, uniform, officer headdress...
LOT #15358. Casual summer uniform of the Vice Admiral of the USSR Navy, model 1969. Color - cream. Condition: Excellent. Material: Cotton, Ãîñò, aluminum cockade, gilding, 5% gilding. Size - 52. Height - 4. Cap size: 58 rub.